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Welcome Spirit Seakers, Lineage Healers, and Aquarian Leaders

Spiral of the Star
Spring Session is
open for enrollment

Release your programing.

Remember your unique essence. 

Reclaim your joy and magic.

Become a Mage of the Aquarian Age.

We are on the edge of the Age of Aquarius...

but right now we still live in a consciousness of suffering. 


The patriarchy has sewn division, sought power, and distorted human consciousness for millennia. 


We're burnt out, sick, and distracted. 


We ignore the suffering of others, preoccupied with survival ourselves.


We're caught in a hampster wheel of work, spend, sleep, repeat.


We don't remember what it's like to rest, play, and feel joy. 


The Matriarchal ways of weaving magic with nature and honoring life over power have been forgotten. 

In the Age of Aquarius, humanity will rise to its full potential and we will experience heaven on earth. 


To active this on Planet Earth, 


We need to heal ourselves, remember our divine nature, and ensure that every human has the safety, support, and freedom to self-actualize.

Spiral of the Star is a Mystery school dedicated to catalyzing the Age of Aquarius through healing our inner and outer worlds.

Subjects Studied

Universal Law
Tarot + Oracle
Plant Medicine
Nervous System Regulation
Yoga Asana
Earth Magic
Altar Keeping

In Spiral of the Star, you will...

Gain an arsenal of Alchemical Pracitces

so you can transmute shitty situations into gifts.

Create Your Own Ceremonies and Rituals

to transform yourself and weave magic into the world

Heal Your Inner World

and thus heal your outer world, enter a completely new era of life

Open Your Spiritual Gifts

 and bring through cosmic wisdom via dreams, channeling, and divination

Channel Your Spirit (Higher Self)

and feel free to be your complete, authentic, and unedited self

Remember your joy and rest

it's not just about the destination, but the journey - who you get to BE in this New Era

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"I feel like I'm in the best school ever."

Rachel, 2nd Ring

Spiral of the Star Spring Session 

March 20th to June 21st, 2025 
+ bonus month of integration

Spiral of the Star Group Sessions are 3 months of course study  +  1-month of integration. The on-demand course helps you heal and find safety in your body, change your worldview into one of possibility and magic, transform your challenges into gifts, and teaches you how to live as a Mage of the Aquarian Age. 

How Does it Work?

The Full Spiral works together to do collective healing, weave magic, and pull through the messages of The Star.

We meet every New Moon and Full Moon for a ceremony, led by Kalisee, to heal in harmony with the stars and practice divination.

Every other week you meet with Kalisee for personal healing, activations, and spiritual counseling.

We have community spaces on the Spiral portal so you have somewhere to go when you feel lost or have something to celebrate (both will happen in this process).

The on-demand course covers practices, philosophy, and activations. It requires about an hour of watch time a week and leaves time for integration of each new lesson.

The Mage's Library is a place to download free books to compliment your studies..

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The most meaningful shift in my life since joining Spiral of the Star has been cultivating a spiritual practice that is my own without the expectations of others. I’ve begun to trust myself and uncover the magic of the universe. 

-Lauren, Ring 2

The Rings

The Rings of Spiral of the Star are the levels of ascension in the School of Transformagic. There are four rings, each higher and deeper (as above, so below) than the last. Most students + mentees enter at the 1st Ring and ascend. If you’re already advanced on your spiritual path, there is an option to enter at the 2nd Ring.

1st Ring

5 Members

In the 1st Ring, you will learn practices to remove beliefs and trauma that aren’t your True nature so you are FREE to hear and follow your intuition, instead of being controlled by your past + conditioning. 


You will learn mental alchemy and universal codes to transmute challenging situations into GOLD and receive payment (in the form of money + gifts) from the universe. 


In the final month, you will practice divination, to guide yourself on your path without needing a teacher or psychic to tell you what to do.


The 1st Ring is for you if you are currently or have recently gone through a spiritual awakening and need a grounded, yet mystical, place to practice a magical life. It’s also for you if you're entering the healing phase of life, and need a spiritual anchor to guide your process and a community of support so you never feel alone. 

The 2nd Ring is a higher and deeper review of Embodied Awareness, Mental Alchemy + Cosmic Codes, and Oracle + Mage work. 


This Ring is a continuation of the last and is geared towards a higher level of magic and self-mastery. Students at this level often are beginning to align with their mission and higher purpose in life.


You may apply to be in the 2nd Ring of the Spiral if you:

  • Have had a steady spiritual practice of 3 years

  • Feel you often see your patterns + alchemize them on your own

  • Have some experience with dreamwork + divination

2nd Ring

3 Members

3rd & 4th Ring

2 Members + 1 Apprentice

These rings continue the mystery and work of the first two rings. They divine ritual + ceremony for the Spiral. You have the opportunity to continue onto these spaces after completing the first rings and can teach on the Spiral platform after apprenticeship. 

The 'Enter the Mystery' Curriculum:
Learn to Communicate with the Magic Mirror


Month 1

Temple: Develop Embodied Awareness & Clear  Your Channel

Trauma and patterns are stored in our nervous system and often take us offline, preventing us from creating anything new in our lives or feeling our intuition. In this module, you’ll learn how to identify when you’re dysregulated, how to come back to regulation, and how to set yourself up for stress resilience throughout your day so you can begin to create new outcomes, stop repeating patterns, hear the voice of your guidance, and be able to follow through on that guidance.

Month 2

Transformagic: Manifestation Magic without the Karma

Ceremonial Magick can have negative karmic reactions. Instead, we work with methods that reward you for understanding the laws of the universe. In this module, you’ll learn how to draw to you what you want and make the world around you a better place at the same time. We’ll look at inner alchemy - the art of turning shitting situations and hardships into your power and medicine that can be shared so that you RISE above it all with ease.


Month 3

Oracle:  Bridge Heaven & Earth


Here, you’ll learn how to receive messages from your Spirit and council via divination, dreamwork, and meditation so when you don’t know wtf to do, you always have access to divine guidance. Walking with your spirit close will help you walk the Earth with otherworldly confidence - when you have your council on your side- you know that all is as it should be and is working for you. And you can see how the universe conspires in your favor at every step. 


Spiral of the Star
Spring Swirl

March 20th-June 21st
+ 1 month integration

What's Included

  • Ceremonies led by Kalisee for every New Moon and Full Moon to receive channeled messages, support, healing + practice ritual
  • Bi-weekly Integration meetings with your Ring
  • 3 Months of Curriculum in Embodied Awareness, Mental Alchemy + Cosmic Codes, and Oracle + Mage work
  • Guidance and channeled messages from Kalisee
  • Access to the Spiral of the Star portal and community (online + app)
  • Private Whatsapp group for your Ring for support and community

Early Bird Tuition
Available until Feb. 11



Payment plan available on request

After Feb 11 -Tuition

or 2 installments of $1888​​​

I have been able to shift my patterns with more ease by making seemingly small changes in my mindset and by having different rituals in my daily life. 

Paul, 1st Ring

Kristen Kalisee Priya

Founder of Spiral of the Star


Kristen Kalisee Priya received the instructions for founding Spiral of the Star through a series of dreams and visions from her guides, beginning in a stint of 40 days in silence. 


As the initial center of the Spiral, she mentors, supports, and initiates other womxn into their Mage-hood. Each womxn who joins the Spiral can become a center themselves one day. 


Spiral of the Star is growing to become a network of powerful mages making moves in the physical and spiritual worlds.


Kalisee is a lifelong student of the mysteries and magic. She's lived in 10+ countries, studied yoga, Buddhism, and mystical Qabbalah, and dedicated her life to finding Truth. 


As an initiate of Las Piramides del KA, she is also a messenger of the largest chain of spiritual guides supporting planet Earth. In this mission she is known as Kalisha del KA.

Schedule an Inquiry Call with Kalisee to Receive Channeled Guidance & Ask Questions


women gathered around the full moon

Spiral of the Star, led by Kalisee, is a community abundant with love and kindness. This container has created an opportunity for me to explore my own authenticity and spirituality free from judgment and harsh criticisms. Kalisees’ authenticity and commitment to expansion while sharing her spiritual knowledge from a place of integrity is magnetic and inspiring. Not only do I learn from Kalisee but from other group members' reflections and vulnerabilities. I recommend anyone looking for a magical connection to join you won’t be disappointed!

Lauren, 1st Ring


I don't have a lot of free time...How much of a time commitment is Spiral of the Star? 

About 2-3 hours a week in total. You'll have one call a week that's either an hour or an hour and a half and two15-45 minute classes to watch whenever you want. You'll have 'activations' to integrate into your every day life.

What if I have a busy week and fall behind? 

Spiral of the Star has built in integration and rest times. If you have a busy week you can catch up during one of these rest times. You also will have one month of integration at the end of the course where you'll still have access to the course and support.

Do I have to have experience in this type of stuff?

No. Spiral of the Star is designed with the most basic of ideas and openings at the start so that you can deepen as you go. The only ask is that you come with an open mind while maintaining and sharpening your own discernment.

Something is telling me to join, but I don't have the funds right now!

In this case, I encourage you to look at your spending. How much do you spend monthly on clothes, beauty products, or subscription services? Do these things really align with your values? Are you spending money on things to make you feel better + enrich you that aren't actually feeding your soul? How much is it costing you to feel disconnected from yourself or uninspired? What is it worth to you to feel lit up about life and connected to your higher self? Could you make more money and be more abundant if you were in alignment with your soul? See if these questions clear up the hesitation around price. If you still want to take the course but truly don't have the money to invest right now, talk to Kalisee about payment plans.

How often does the Spiral open for enrollment?

Spiral of the Star opens a new session every six months on the Equinoxes.


That the Age of Aquarius may rise in our lifetime.

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